Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I have a plan, not a dream. I shall keep a salon in Saint Gilgen – a forum for ideas. I will practise the etiquette of the philosophe as I would a fantasia. My guests from the grandest villas of Germany or the drinking holes of Prague will explore such subtleties of conversation AFTER they have listened to my brother’s music. In short, I shall be a salonniere with an ivory fan and a black spot on my cheek. N.


Blogger Nannerl said...

My Dear Dodo of the South...Let us hope we meet before the end of my brother's anniversary year on the 27th January, 2007! A soiree indeed!
Yours devotedly and in great delight, Anna Maria Ignatia Mozart zu Sonnenburg

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gebliebte Horsefacia!
How I wish that I were free to come to your debut soiree and fiddle around while you play the Klavier. Unfortunately, the train has not been yet invented and as the main roads are currently flooded, I fear that I mist remain at home and play with the fortepiano, naturlich.
1000 kisses I send
and a blow from my end,
Dein Bruder

7:26 AM  
Blogger Nannerl said...

Mein Gott in Himmel - perhaps try a boat on the river Salsach?

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ach! but you know my sensitive stomach where travel by water is concerned. And I sill not consider Papa's black powders!

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant, of course, WILL not consider... Well, this is what happens when one does not get to bed until dawn.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Nannerl said...

Sie das im Ernst? Meine Geliebte Dodo und Mein Lieber Bruder etc. ( in short, those below but not below me), were unable to attend my first soiree in the autumn of 1786. In future, I must come to them when the tide has receded and the Danube or the Schatzerl River is clear enough for fish to swim in. Basta! Meanwhile, on December 7th, 2006 at Australia House, The Strand in London, there will be an intimate soiree narrated by Madame zu Sonnenburg with the charming mezzo-soprano Madama Sally Burgess and the celebrated pianist, Herr Piers Lane. More news later. N.

1:54 PM  

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