Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Lap-Dog in Munich

Papa, Wolfie and I are in Munich, though I am lodging separately with the Widow Von Durst. Wolfie is pacing up and down my room like a small dog with fleas. It is because the performance of his opera buffa, La finta giardiniera has been postponed and the carnival is already in full swing. There are gambling tables set up in the Salle de Redoute and people are wearing masks and making a perpetual noise and I am quite thankful that today I am in bed with toothache. Frau Von Durst's lap-dog, Finette, who has not got fleas, is keeping me company together with Wolfie. Papa said the postponement of La finta is a good thing as nothing sensible is performed here at this time because no one pays any attention. He also said he wants me to acquire the habit of dressing my own hair very neatly, putting on a neglige cap and making up my face without any help, but Wolfie says I am much better with my arpeggios.


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