Monday, January 23, 2006

A Moral Force

I adore Papa! If he appeared insincere and not above reproach, I would be the first to criticize him - that is because fathers cannot deceive their daughters. Perhaps they can their sons or wives. I cannot speak for them.

And yet I do know that in our family, it is Wolfie who sometimes deceives Papa. For example, my charming brother is less than a moral force when he fails to mention his real reason for wanting to stay behind in Vienna. Forget the Archbishop. His fondness for the Weber daughters keeps him there. Which one now, we wonder?

Papa has got out his paint box again and is putting the finishing touches to the Knave of Hearts. N.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geliebt Pferdgesicht!

You know that I only lie to make the truth more believable.

9:13 AM  

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